Marketing Support for Direct Sales Professionals

Did you know that Small Talk also provides marketing support for direct sales professionals?  It's true...I have found a way to partner with direct sales reps to help them grow their business, so if you work for a direct sales company like Arbonne, Mary Kay or any of the other big players, you need to read on!

Marketing Support for Direct Sales Professionals: Learn how to Leverage What Is Provided

Many direct sales companies offer their representatives a TON of marketing collateral.  When you join some of the larger direct sales teams you often get everything from your own website to brochures, catalogs, takeaways and business cards all in one swoop.  AWESOME....but now what?Marketing Support for Direct Sales ProfessionalsThe problem is, even though the parent company is providing the material, sometimes reps don't know how to leverage what is provided.  That is where Small Talk comes in!  I can take a look at the materials that your company provides and guide you in ways to use them.If there is something your company does not offer, like email marketing, I can work with you to take the materials they do provide and turn them into a great email marketing campaign.  And then there's social media...A lot of direct sales companies provide a ton of graphics, videos and other content to use on social media, but they miss a step when it comes to educating their reps on HOW to use them.  Posting a picture isn't enough, you have to ask questions, get to know your audience and learn what will get them talking about your products!  Some times figuring these things out just takes a little guidance and a fresh perspective to help find the "secret sauce."

Direct Sales Success Story

Last month I did a one hour consulting call with an Arbonne representative.  Like most of the other direct sales companies, Arbonne provides a lot of great content to their reps.  My client was using all the info but wanted to increase her visibility and get more engagement on social media.  Within a one hour call I had given her a number of action items to start working on to improve her social media efforts using what Arbonne already provides.  Just two days after our call, I got this message from her:"Hey Jen- just wanted to let you know I have been liking other business pages and commented on ones at night...woke up to 8 messages with people requesting samples and a bunch of new likes! Thanks again for the coaching and I will for sure set something up with you again!!!"I recently followed up to see how this client was doing and I'm happy to report that she has been building relationships with the people that reached out for samples and she's confident it will turn into business over time!  As you know, building a relationship is usually step one in the sales cycle.So, whether you need consulting services or something created that your company does not offer, contact Small Talk for a free consultation and learn how I can provide marketing support for your direct sales business and help you grow!Initial consultations are always complimentary!

Jennifer Calero

I’m a mom, wife, dog mom to 3 rescue dogs and I own 2 businesses; Small Talk and Fun 4 Kids in

I love all things chocolate and I’m not a morning person!

Oh, and I’m experienced marketer that specializes in branding, web design and digital content.

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