5 Things To Do During a Summer Slowdown
If your MedSpa or beauty business is noticing a dip in business during the summer, here are 5 marketing things you can do to give it a boost.

5 Ways to Economy Proof Your Business
Is the fluctuating economy starting to have an impact on your MedSpa business? Here are 5 things you do to economy proof your business and make sure you can weather any economic storm that comes your way.

Spring Cleaning for Your Website
Just like your house, spring cleaning for your website should be on your to-do list this time of year. Learn 5 areas to review on your website this spring to keep it in good shape.

The Importance of Email Just Became Crystal Clear
The importance of email marketing became crystal clear when Facebook and it’s counterparts experienced an extended outage a few weeks ago. Instead of relying on social media to communicate with your clients, learn what I tell my MedSpa clients and beauty service providers to do instead.

Case Study: Putting Your Website To Work With a Good Promo Plan
Learn how Small Talk Marketing used one MedSpa’s website and email list to generate $30,000 in sales with a solid promotion plan.