Case Study: Generating Revenue While You're on Vacation with Email

As a business owner, time is money.  So, when you decide to take a vacation, it can mean you aren't making as much or any money!  But, what if I said you CAN generate revenue while you're on vacation.

Generating Revenue While You're on Vacation By Leveraging Your Email List

Email Marketing CampaignIf you've worked with me, you know I'm a big fan of email.  When others say it's dead, I say you're not using it the right way!  Black Friday through Cyber Monday is a time when many businesses are having sales and you can get in on the action even if you're on vacation.In November 2019, one of my MedSpa clients came to me for help with her Black Friday email campaign.  She had put together several package options that she wanted to sell via email from Black Friday through Cyber Monday while she was out of the office enjoying the holiday with her family.

Here's How We Leveraged Email to Generate Over $7k in Sales

The client:

  • Created packages that included a slight discount for customers that were willing to pay for a series of treatments in advance.
  • Sent two photos of the services she was featuring.
  • Updated the e-commerce section of her website to list these packages so clients could buy online.

With these details, Small Talk created:

  • A series of 6 emails that were sent out over the course of the weekend with different messaging.
  • Coordinating graphics to be used in the emails and on social media.
  • Content for social media posts so all the client had to do was copy, paste and schedule the posts.

 The ResultsThe final email was sent on Cyber Monday and by the end of the day this weekend campaign had generated $7,590 in sales! 

Here's How You Can Start Leveraging Email for Generating Revenue While You're on Vacation...or Anytime!

  1. If you don't have an email list, start creating one! I suggest trying to segment your email list.  I like to have a general interest list which consists of current clients, clients who have inquired about your services or anyone that has willing signed up via your website to receive special offers.Then, I suggest a VIP list.  This should be a list of your best clients and top spenders.  Notice they aren't the same.  You may have a client that comes to you once a month for an eyebrow wax.  They probably aren't a top spender if that's the only service they get BUT they are a loyal client that has you could grow a bigger relationship with so they should be on there too!If you really want to drill down, consider having your email list segmented in to service based groups.  When you have service based groups it makes it very easy to send targeted communications to clients.Last tip, if you have an old list that you haven't used in a while, clean it up!  It's ok to remove people that haven't opened your past emails.  It's even ok to start from scratch if you feel like the quality of your list isn't that great.  The more engaged your list is, the better chance you'll have at generating revenue while you're on vacation or any other time throughout the year.
  2. Look out at the year and identify opportunities for email campaigns. Throughout the year there are a lot of opportunities to run campaigns.  In the hair, skin and spa world, here's a few that jump to mind:Valentine's DaySpringMother's DayFallBlack FridaySmall Business SaturdayCyber MondayChristmas/Winter Holidays
  3. Craft your offer and set up your systems.You need an offer that is too good to pass up.  If you just keep sending out the same 10% offer, eventually they'll stop listening.  You need something that will get their attention and then you need to create urgency so they act.When you're trying to leverage email to generate revenue, you need to make it as easy as possible for people to spend money with you so get your website ready!  If you don't have the ability to take online payments, figure out how to make it happen.  The campaign I reference in this case study wouldn't have been as successful if clients couldn't buy online.
  4. Use a professional email system.Please don't send email offers through your actual email.  It looks unprofessional and makes tracking success almost impossible.  Most booking software has some sort of email marketing component to it now, but if yours doesn't or you don't like it, there are a number of other options out there.  I like MailerLite.  It's inexpensive and easy to use.  There is also MailChimp, Constant Contact, Convert Kit and too many more to list!
  5. Get help!If you're reading all this and thinking "NOPE, I don't have the time or patience to sort all this out" get help.  I can structure a campaign price for you based on the number of emails you need and the other items you need.  Contact me to discuss your next campaign!  
Jennifer Calero

I’m a mom, wife, dog mom to 3 rescue dogs and I own 2 businesses; Small Talk and Fun 4 Kids in

I love all things chocolate and I’m not a morning person!

Oh, and I’m experienced marketer that specializes in branding, web design and digital content.

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