3 Steps to Using the Facebook "Save" Feature
Have you ever been scrolling through your news feed and seen an article you'd like to read but didn't have time at the moment? I have. Have you ever seen a friend like a restaurant page that looked like something you may want to try? I have. Well Facebook launched a feature that can help!Earlier this month Facebook launched the save feature on user accounts making it easier for users like myself to save information to view later. For me, this is a great feature! I get a lot of my educational information from other marketing experts on Facebook so I will be using the save feature A LOT to save articles that I don't have time to read as they are posted. If you are interested in checking out the save feature, here is my 3 step tutorial to help you use it.Step 1 - How to Use the Facebook Save Feature Step 2 - How to Use the Facebook Save Feature
Step 3 - How to Use the Facebook Save Feature
Keep in mind, you can't save everything at this point. For now it is just links, places, books, movies, events and a few other things. But you never know when Facebook will change what you can save so start using this feature now to help you keep your interests organized. Do you think this is something you will use?